Game Development

The Good(Bad)minton

The Good(Bad)minton

One of those recent infectious things aside Covid that most of the studio members caught is Badminton. Thanks to our Games Producer Darshan who helped inspire, it latched on with everyone at the studio so much so that most of the team plays at a nearby badminton court 3-4 times a week and lash out each other with the Shuttle.

Why do we seem Expensive?

Why do we seem Expensive?

Quite often when we deal with potential business proposals to build games or license our IP, we hear the statement “You guys are expensive”, “The cost is too high”, “It doesn’t fit into our budget”. We cant really complain there since as a customer they have the right to determine what they should or can pay. The idea behind this post is to throw some light on some of the misinterpretation or difference in understanding with the costs of building games.

Building Battle Legends

Building Battle Legends

We always wanted to build a multiplayer shooter. The moment any studio thinks of a shooter, only fancy modern shooter pop into mind, we are so influenced by shooters like Counter Strike, Call of Duty, Battle Field, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch to name a few. With the mobile landscape its always a challenge to build such degrees of games especially for smaller studios like us. The idea of building a top down shooter has always lingered in our minds

Building Fun and Lightweight Games

Building Fun and Lightweight Games

In recent times, we are growing more confident about HTML5 games (nick named H5 games), a medium that has been growing despite the popularity of large games. The issue with large games is , well, they are super large and that can be a huge factor with users who just want to have some fun time for a few mins. Instant games are a great fit here as they can provide that snackable (not really a word) experience. We have been designing several concepts around H5 games part of our IP strategy.

Women in Games at Hammerplay

Women in Games at Hammerplay

We had a quick roundup with our Senior 2D Artist Poovizhi Gnanasekaran, Game Programmers Anandhi Manivannan, Meenakshi Kathiresan and presented them with some interesting questions around Women in game development to see what they had to say.

Desert Combat

Desert Combat

Lets cut to the chase. To me this is hand down one of the best MODs created for a Multiplayer. Of course many would argue Counter Strike would still take that spot. In a way yes, but for a grand scale of Multiplayer action, I always lean on to Desert Combat, the MOD created out of Battlefield 1942. So what makes it special ? Well, for starters the MOD re-imagined the original game completely from the ground up and made it look like an all new game with no traces of BF1942 seen. Imagine taking a World War based shooter and doing a complete overhaul by incorporating modern weapons, modern vehicles/Aircraft and to top it all, a super slick Helicopter whose mechanics never existed in the original version. This was never achieved by simply switching out the original weapons with modern ones, but by painstakingly creating them and balancing them, every single aspect of it.

Super Rapid Prototypes

Super Rapid Prototypes

So, of late we have been upping our game with inhouse games and part of that we have been experimenting and building various game ideas as rapid prototypes. So we gather around and discuss potential game ideas that are simple enough yet engaging and the ones that appeal are taken into prototyping.

Remembering great Levels!

Remembering great Levels!

There is something about these great games - especially the ones that leave a strong memory foot print and keep resonating in your head after you complete them. Their world is so compelling that they easily swallow you in and make you part of that world. Well, in simple terms they are so immersive! I believe it has to do with the compelling atmosphere the developers create, specially the level designers,an area that is extremely critical to success of any game - be it Single player or Multiplayer. I wanted to capture a few of those memorable levels that I can still imagine or think off till date and they are my obvious favorites. While there are a handful, I wanted to write about a few specific ones in this post.

Evolving our Studio Spaces

Evolving our Studio Spaces

We never really had a chance to blog about our studio space yet and this should be the one. Our spaces have always been evolving to suit our needs and sometimes desires! After all a good working space is a great motivator. This is where all us souls are going to spend a great deal of our life time and we wanted to give it the best love and attention (as long as its a feasible affair)